Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
How wearables-driven gamification will boost your business

It’s a known fact that gamification is an effective method to make everyday activities and work more fun. This certainly also applies to workouts.

Along with the serotonin and dopamine levels naturally increased by physical activity, Uptivo’s gamification system will raise the level of fun and motivation within your community and improve member retention.

Fun and stimulating features based on dedication to working out – such as Uptivo’s rankings, levels, badges and trophies – are an excellent way to help people stay focused on their goals, while also having fun.

Uptivo bases its gamification on the results achieved by members along their training journeys, measuring their day-by-day effort in each session using heart rate monitors.

The Uptivo heart rate monitoring system not only provides univocal points called UPPs (Uptivo Performance Points) but also allows trainers to set up customisable challenges as a tool to increase members' motivation.

Real-time challenges based on UPPs or burned calories encourage gym members to engage in stimulating and friendly competition within the health club environment.

Trainers can also set up a variety of customised leaderboards or goals to be achieved by members – based on their number of training sessions, calories burned or UPPs gathered – that will push athletes to overcome their limits and reward them with special badges to be displayed in their profiles.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful technique to help people reach their fitness goals. The more members commit to working out, the more they’ll be rewarded. All badges, trophies and levels completed by each athlete will be visible in the Uptivo Personal app.

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